Thoothukudi: DMK candidate Kanimozhi files her nomination for the Thoothukudi constituency in Tamil Nadu’s Lok Sabha elections. This marks her second bid for the parliamentary seat representing the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) party. Kanimozhi submitted her nomination papers to Thoothukudi District Collector and returning officer Lakshmipathi, accompanied by DMK ministers Anitha Radhakrishnan, Geethajuvan, Mayor Jagan, and other party members.
Expressing gratitude to her party for the opportunity, Kanimozhi emphasized the warm reception she has received from constituents across the Thoothukudi constituency. She highlighted the enthusiastic welcome given to Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister during his campaign in the metropolitan area, indicating positive prospects for the DMK in the upcoming elections.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu Sports Minister and DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent remarks, asserting the party’s commitment to unseat the BJP government. Udhayanidhi criticized the rising prices of essential commodities and accused PM Modi of resorting to pre-election tactics to temporarily alleviate concerns over inflated costs.
The general elections in Tamil Nadu are scheduled for April 19, with all 39 seats up for grabs in the initial phase. In the previous 2019 elections, the DMK-led Secular Progressive Alliance secured a significant victory, clinching 38 out of 39 seats in the state. The DMK alone secured 23 seats, followed by the Congress with 8 seats and CPI with 2 seats, underlining the alliance’s dominance in Tamil Nadu.
Nationwide, the Lok Sabha elections will span seven phases, commencing on April 19, with results slated for June 4.