Three friends on morning walk stabbed, one died

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Chapra: Three firends who were on morning walk were srabbed by miscreants already waiting for them following which one died during treatment . Two others are being treated at Gopalganj sadar hospital. Deceased has been identified as Shakti Upadhyaya of Udant Rai Bangra village under Thawe police station in Gopalganj. Other injured persons are Jhunnu Upadhyaya and Bhola Singh of the same village. The incident occurred at bordering Narharpur village under Barharia police station in Siwan district. Villagers told that accused persons were indulged into smuggling works through this route and this attack was made when it was opposed by the victims. Police told that on the information of the villagers, raids were conducted at the places of the accused persons who are found to be absconding.

In another incident criminals fired indiscriminately at a Footballer late last night. Victim Santosh Kumar , a Footballer, was returning to his house from Gopalganj town police station. He has been referred to Gorakhpur Medial college and hospital in a precarious condition. It is said that he was attacked as the criminals believed him to be a spy of police. The incident occurred at Purani Chawk Mohalla under town police station. SDPO Sanjeev Kumar told that raids were conducted to nab the criminals .

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