J-K Police crackdown on terror network in UT

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Srinagar: Over a dozen people have been detained by police during raids across Jammu and Kashmir for allegedly being in touch with terrorist commanders in Pakistan, officials said on Tuesday.

The police said many recent target killings and other terror crimes have taken place at the behest of these commanders using local hybrid terrorists.

J-K Police has rounded up a number of individuals and initiated legal action against them as they have been found to be in contact with terrorist commanders based in Pakistan, the officials said.

They said some of the terrorist commanders these individuals were in contact with, and who are based in Pakistan, include Sajad Gul, Ashiq Nengroo, Arjumand Gulzar and others. They all have been notified and designated as terrorists by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

These terrorist handlers who are based in Pakistan are involved in serious terror crimes and as well motivating and inciting the young gullible boys to join terror ranks to commit terror crimes, the officials said.

J-K Police — both in Kashmir and Jammu division — have raided the residences and work places of such people and investigations with regard to the level of their involvement are underway, they said.

Raids have been carried out at several places across the union territory including in Srinagar, Baramulla, Anantnag, Kulgam — in the valley, and in Jammu, Ramban, Udhampur, Kathua – in Jammu region, they added.

Many target killings and other terrorist crimes have been instigated from across using local hybrid terrorists. As on today, dozens of suspected have been picked up across J-K, the officials said.

They said Director General of Police (DGP), J-K, Dilbag Singh has passed unambiguous and very strong directions to all formations that anyone found in touch with any such entity in Pakistan or in any other country should be taken to task.

The policy of zero tolerance of such anti-national activity has to be more strictly imposed, the J-K police chief has directed.

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