In an exciting revelation on Tuesday, Netflix released the highly-anticipated trailer for its upcoming Money Heist spin-off prequel series, “Berlin.” Set to premiere on December 29, the show will delve into the captivating world of Andres de Fonollosa, the renowned jewellery thief and right-hand man to the Professor.
Renowned actor Pedro Alonso is reprising his role as Berlin in this thrilling spin-off, where the character is showcased orchestrating yet another heist. This time, the target is one of the prestigious auction houses in Paris. The trailer offers a glimpse into Berlin’s meticulous planning, from plotting to plunder the catacombs of Paris to indulging in romance by the iconic Eiffel Tower. Notably, the series also features appearances by cop characters Alicia Sierra and Raquel Murillo.
“Berlin” is a creation of Esther Martínez Lobato and Álex Pina, with a talented team of writers including David Oliva, David Barrocal, Esther Martinez Lobato, and Álex Pina. The ensemble cast boasts names like Michelle Jenner, Begoña Vargas, Julio Peña, Tristán Ulloa, and Joel Sánchez, among others.
With its gripping storyline, intense heist sequences, and a stellar cast, “Berlin” promises to be a must-watch spin-off that adds a new layer to the Money Heist universe. As fans eagerly await the premiere on December 29, the trailer hints at a captivating journey filled with suspense, drama, and the signature style that made Money Heist a global phenomenon.