New Delhi: A case has been filed against Nationalist Congress Party (Sharadchandra Pawar) leader Jitendra Awhad for sharing a misleading video, alleging discrepancies between the Ballot Unit button and VVPAT-generated Paper Slip in Manipur’s Khurai Assembly Segment Polling Station. Manipur Police stated charges including criminal conspiracy and spreading false information under relevant sections of the IPC and RP Act.
Awhad had posted a video claiming that women in Manipur vandalized EVMs as they purportedly printed only the lotus symbol. However, the Chief Electoral Officer of Manipur clarified that the video depicted mob violence at a polling station in Imphal East, with a re-poll already conducted. No evidence of button-to-paper slip mismatch was found, and legal actions are underway against the dissemination of fake news.
The case has been registered at the Porompat Police Station. Voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha concluded in Manipur, with 13 Assembly segments of the Outer Manipur constituency participating in the second phase of polling.