Telangana Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy, has appealed to Sonia Gandhi to contest in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from Telangana. The TPCC has already passed a resolution supporting this request. Reddy emphasized the state’s gratitude towards Sonia Gandhi for granting Telangana statehood. Sonia Gandhi responded that she will decide at the appropriate time.
During a meeting in New Delhi, CM Revanth updated Sonia Gandhi on the progress of Congress’s promises in Telangana, including implemented guarantees such as free bus travel for women and increased Arogyasri limits. He also mentioned upcoming assurances like free electricity and affordable gas cylinders. The CM highlighted the government’s commitment to conducting a BC caste census.
Revanth informed Sonia Gandhi about TPCC’s efforts to secure maximum MP seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The party has completed preparations, receiving applications from aspirants in each constituency. The leadership will scrutinize applications to select winning candidates. Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka and Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy accompanied CM Revanth during the visit.