Vice-President Advocates Global Collaboration for Sustainable Development at TERI Summit

Vice-President India

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New Delhi, February 7, 2024: Speaking at the 23rd edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), the Vice-President emphasized the urgent need for collaborative action to address pressing global challenges. The summit, a gathering of leaders, experts, and stakeholders committed to sustainable development, provided a crucial platform for dialogue and commitment in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion.

The Vice-President commended TERI for its five-decade contribution to transformative solutions through policy research, technological innovation, and advocacy. Quoting the Atharva Veda, highlighting the ethos of ‘Mother Earth,’ the Vice-President stressed the importance of protecting nature against exploitation.

Recognizing India’s leadership in sustainable development, the Vice-President cited the government’s commitment to renewable energy targets and initiatives balancing economic growth with ecological preservation. The launch of the Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA) and the emphasis on electric vehicles and circular economy were highlighted as significant steps towards a sustainable energy future.

Amidst India’s remarkable economic growth, the Vice-President urged harmonizing progress with sustainability, acknowledging the looming threat of climate change. India’s rich tradition of sustainable practices was lauded as a potential global model, with initiatives like the International Solar Alliance and the International Big Cat Alliance showcasing India’s global leadership.

The Vice-President underscored the importance of collective action, emphasizing the principles of ‘One Earth One Family One Future.’ Climate justice and the equitable utilization of natural resources were highlighted as paramount, echoing Mahatma Gandhi’s principle that “the earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed.”

In conclusion, the Vice-President called for collective action and international cooperation to pave the way for a sustainable and secure future. The summit, lauded as a catalyst for just, equitable, and path-breaking solutions, aimed to inspire concerted efforts towards sustainability.

The Vice-President congratulated TERI on organizing yet another successful summit, stressing the need for immediate action to protect Mother Earth.

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