Haveri: Former Karnataka Chief Minister and BJP candidate for the Gadag-Haveri Lok Sabha constituency, Basavaraj Bommai, hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his alignment with the principles of Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Speaking at a gathering of the Maratha community in Haveri, Bommai emphasized his deep connection with the community, having grown up in Maratha Galli in Hubballi.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi embodies the spirit of Shivaji Maharaj, fighting for the same ideals. The Maratha community, known for its patriotism, must support Modi in his efforts to advance the nation,” Bommai expressed.
During his tenure as Chief Minister, Bommai highlighted his government’s initiatives, including the establishment of the Maratha Community Development Corporation, which received a funding of Rs 100 crore. This corporation provided scholarships to 27,000 students and supported the sinking of borewells under the Ganga Kalyana scheme.
Bommai reassured the community of his unwavering support, promising to earnestly address their needs. The Lok Sabha elections in Karnataka are being held in two phases, with polling having commenced on April 26 and the next phase scheduled for May 7. Bommai, in his electoral bid, aims to garner support from various communities.