Yamunanagar: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) apprehended former Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) MLA Dilbag Singh and his aide, Kulwinder Singh, on Monday in connection with an illicit mining case, according to sources.
Earlier last week, the Enforcement Directorate had conducted raids at locations linked to former MLA Dilbag Singh. During the operation, illegal foreign-made arms, 300 bullets, over 100 liquor bottles, Rs 5 crore in cash, 4/5 kg bullion, and various other materials were seized.
Additionally, numerous properties associated with the ex-INLD legislator Dilbag Singh and his associate, both in India and abroad, were uncovered during the searches, all part of the ongoing investigation into the illegal mining case.
The searches were carried out at 20 different locations in Haryana, spanning Yamuna Nagar, Sonipat, Mohali, Faridabad, Chandigarh, and Karnal.